Parental Endurance - Having kids in my mid 30s vs my mid 20s
Also known as “starting over.” As my little girl turns 3 weeks old the age old debate of having kids young vs in one’s 30s is tumbling in my head. In this stage, parental sleep is at a minimum, and unknowns are still at a high. What will her personality be like, what side of the family will she look like, when will she sleep for more than 3 hours at time? What still remains to be seen is the answer to my headline question. But as of now I have feelings.
Having yet to return to work, my feelings will likely change, but experience feels so much more valuable than raw youthful exuberance. It’s not even a feeling of “it’s all going to be alright.” Having lived more life, I’m far more aware of what can be thrown my way. No, a lot of my feelings of assurance come from having leaned on the support structures of my life, knowing those structures have held up continue to lend confidence for the future.
God has been faithful through difficult circumstances, from financial, to health, family and beyond. Additionally my wife has grown and matured (more than me by a long shot) since our first kid and her strength is a sight to behold. I could go on, but given the maturity of our care network, the idea (and reality) of having kids in our 30s has been far less daunting than I would have imagined it to be in my 20s. We’ll see what I think a year in.