Data in almost all of it’s forms is fascinating. Macro (think country, state, even world data) all the way down to the most personal (my own health data tracked over years on the Apple Watch). Digging into the context for any particular bit of data is passion of mine.

Years ago after listening to the No Dumb Questions podcast discuss making an annual playlist to replicate the feeling of radio and albums you would listen to over the course of a year. It felt like a really obvious and fun way to use music as a time travel device. I now have 6 years of music playlists to travel back and get those feelings from those years. I thought it would be fun to take a look at my 2024 Playlist and see what data I can pull out!

Starting with the macro… I grew up on country in the 90s and have held a strong affinity for that particular flavor of country. Modern country on the other hand is largely a no more for me… dog. My tastes in the last 10 years have gradually moved into a more folk/roots/Americana feel and those flavors are heavy in the 2024 list.

Getting a touch more micro, I really enjoyed The Ache by Brandon Heath this year and with all the time spent on that album it shifted the Spotify algorithm into a more Christian acoustic direction and I’m not even mad.

With the birth of my daughter in November Ben Rector has been in heavy rotation, especially Daughter. There are probably more tidbits to pulled out, but at this point I’m curious what will be served up going into January.