The Lord really does move in mysterious ways.

When I was in college in the late 00s I was introduced to the website Their premise was really clever. Every day at midnight they would post an item of some sort at an excellent discount. This item would be available until it sold out or until midnight the next day.

Simple right? Well to add to the fun, every now and again they would sell a mystery item they lovingly called a bag of crap(BOC). This would be a random assortment of items of dubious quality and origin. There were no guarantees other than there would be at least three items and a bag of some sort included.

Over the years I’ve been lucky/unlucky enough to snag several of these bags. The contents have ranged from miscellaneous Roomba parts to decent quality mechanical pencils to vacuums. It’s always fun and cheap (only 9.99 shipped!)

Steffani and I have had a few different family expenses (braces mostly for the boys) we’ve been planning towards. We like to avoid financing things when possible and so this expense and how to tackle it has been on my mind recently.

Enter the most recent BOC. While I was rocking the baby it was delivered! I opened it up and inside (among other things) was none other than a Tameron 150-500 mm lens! If eBay is to be believed this can be sold for between 800 and 1100! This will go a long way toward taking care of the braces need we have.

The Lord provides in mysterious ways indeed and always just in time.